Hi Massimo, thanks for responding,  Im sorry if these are basic questions 
I have downloaded the standard package web2pywin zip, installed it on my 
windows computer and all is running well.
I have now transferred that install and the Apps Ive build to a shared 
workdisk on our work network (windows based).

Now I access web2py.exe and run it as a windows exe file and the initial 
Framework opens, the web2py server starts and asks for the IP, port & 
password. If I use the default , 8000 and my password, the 
browser opens, I can via admin open my App, so far so good.
I can also open the app via etc etc 

If I enter port 80 and my password into the web2py server dialog 
box, an IE browser page opens but there is no connection to a webpage, so 
no default just a widows IE error page ie the webpage cannot be found.

If I Open the Windows Run command and enter python web2py.py -a 'pword' -i -p 80 I get an error (I guess cos its on a folder)
If I try to use the path and command eg S:\Kul\<path to the shared disc 
etc>\BBDB python web2py.py -a 'bb999' -i -p 80 
Then I also get an error.

Some of our computers are more tightly firewalled, however, I am generally 
able to navigate to the web2py.exe and run the windows exe and open the 
rocket server & start the web2py admin.

So, If that is clearer? These are local machines using the web2py Rocket 
server on a standard windows computer (across a network)
as per the documentation ......

*On Windows, run: web2py.exe *
On OS X, run:open web2py.app 
On Unix and Linux, run from source by typing:python2.5 web2py.py
So, While I would love to put it on a Unix system, but I dont have that 
option (its not allowed).
So, how can I start web2py using rocket so that I can open the server & 
allow another different local machine to then open the app.
I understand that I should be able to once rocket is open in, 
then I can (hopefully) navigate to the app.
I guess that I will have to know the IP of that "shared disk" .. OR ... is 
there a better way.

Thanks for the simple replies, Im not a networker or programmer, I just use 
the computers :)

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:42:56 AM UTC+1, Seelife wrote:
> Hi Folks, If this is a basic question, my apologies.
> I have an App Ive built in web2py.  Ican run on my local computer or place 
> the whole web2py installation on a shared network disc, access web2py.exe 
> and start up the browser & open my app and all works fine.
> But here are the questions :
> How do I start web2py from a networked windows machine so that it opens 
> both web2py and my app only
> I would like to open the App on at least 2 machines.  
> I assume that I would open one instance of web2py with srat parameters 
> that allow it to "listen" to other requests.
> Can someone give me simple stupid examples as to how to open the first 
> machine and get web 2py running with my app, then what webaddress or 
> whatever to open the second machine to access the app.
> There should be no problems in record locks as it is purely a logging data 
> app.
> I am not a network expert, so please give me a simple way to open on a 
> windows desktop.
> Thank heaps


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