2 requests/second seem slow. What does your app do? Look at 
{{=response.toolbar()}} and see which DB query and how long they 
individually take.

On Sunday, 10 February 2013 21:49:57 UTC-6, pumplerod wrote:
> Strange.  In order to get around the issue I converted it over to run on 
> GAE.  This seems to work ok.  I notice thought that we're averaging about 2 
> requests per second.  
> On Feb 10, 2013, at 3:35 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I tried your example but I cannot reproduce the problem (I am on Mac, OSX 
> 10.7.5 and Python 2.7.3).
> Can others reproduce it?
> On Tuesday, 5 February 2013 13:15:45 UTC-6, pumplerod wrote:
>> I'm reading up on strace now.  in the meanwhile, here is the MVC code 
>>  (not sure if I can attach a file to google groups)….
>> Model:
>> -Nothing.  I have an empty model file.  Other than the default settings 
>> that come with a new controller.  
>> Ordinarily I am using a Model and writing to the SQLite db.  But this is 
>> the simplest case I could make that 
>> still replicates the problem.
>> View:
>> -Don't have this either.  I'm only ever returning a json object via REST 
>> so there's no need for a view.
>> Controller:  
>> You can see some of what normally gets loaded, which I've commented out. 
>>  I also tried to see if gc or cache would help.  
>> I've never used these before though so I may have been doing it 
>> incorrectly.
>> the RESTful query would look something like:   
>> http://domain.com/memclimb/request.json?jo={"Test":"memory"}
>> "request.py" (controller)...
>> _______vv______
>> @request.restful()
>> #@cache(request.env.path_info,time_expire=10,cache_model=cache.ram)
>> def test():
>>   #import gc
>>   import gluon.contrib.simplejson
>>   response.view = 'generic.'+request.extension
>>   #gc.enable()
>>   def GET(*args,**vars):
>>     jsonObject = request.vars.jo
>>     obj =  gluon.contrib.simplejson.loads(jsonObject)
>>     return {'message': 'testing Memory.'}
>>   #gc.collect()
>>   return locals()
>> _______^^________
>> Only seems to be a problem under high traffic.  So I created this python 
>> script and ran 10 instances of it from another machine.  
>> It's common for our site to have >100 trying to hit it at about the same 
>> time, but I can see the memory climb even with only 10.
>> "testLoad.py"...
>> ________vv________
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> import sys
>> import os
>> import urllib
>> def main():
>>   for i in range(1000):
>>     result = urllib.urlopen('
>> https://domain.com/memclimb/request/test.json?jo={"Test":"memory"}')
>>     json = result.read()
>>   print "done…\n\t%s"%json
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>   main()
>> __________^^________
>> On Feb 5, 2013, at 8:30 AM, greaneym wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In addition sending the model, view, controller code, you can try the 
>> following.
>> It looks like dreamhost is using debian linux. You can try using the 
>> strace command in a shell while your process is running. You can run it 
>> against different process ids (pid) to help figure out what is associated 
>> with the problem.
>> Here is a link that may be useful in running strace.
>> http://www.hokstad.com/5-simple-ways-to-troubleshoot-using-strace
>> Save the output in a file so you can look at it.
>> Also you can run "top" in a shell to see what pid, program is running 
>> more than others and that may help you as well.
>> -- 
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