> oh my.... SSE are unidirectional, so of course the example shows you just 
> the server --> client part and not the client-->server one.
> you can do the client--> server part as usual with an ajax post.
> (I would appreciate you refrain from using expressions with 
condescending implications such as "oh my...")
I know it's uni-directional... It's not the point...
I mean that another view from another controller, would invoke, say, an 
ajax call, to IT'S OWN CONTROLLER's action, which will THEN invoke the 
SSE-enabled-action in the other controller.

> EDIT: you don't need to have one-and-only sse capable controller. 
> You just need to code into a single one of them what is required by the 
> view who will call it (i.e. you can have a page for a chat that will "call" 
> the sse that deals with the chat,  the page of the calendar that listens to 
> the calendar sse and so on)

Now you are getting closer... Of course I understand that I can have more 
then a single SSE-enabled controller-action, but as you said - this would 
mean that, say, a "chat" view, may ONLY invoke a "chat" 
SSE-enabled-controller-action, and a "calendar" view, may ONLY invoke a 
"calendar" SSE-enabled-controller-action...
What if I want 2 users to collaborate on the same data, using different 
views, and still get real-updates?
Let's say we have 2 views, a calendar, and a scheduling-run-chart - 
Different views of the same (or partially-shared) data, for different 
How can I have one updating the calendar, and getting live-updates from 
another user updating the schedule (and vice-versa) ?
If it is not clear verbally, perhaps a picture is in order...

I'm attaching a picture - the "missing-part" in web2py from this 
stand-point, are the "green arrows"...


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