If it's self-contained, you might consider putting it in another app.


On Thursday, May 2, 2013 11:44:58 AM UTC-4, b00m_chef wrote:
> Correct. That way, if you have your webapp built from components, your 
> main controller/model/view folders will not look like a complete mess of 
> hundreds of files.
> At the moment, the current component & plugin structure only works for web 
> apps containing less than 20 components / plugins. As soon as you have more 
> of them, it becomes painful to manage.
> Just a thought.
> Thanks,
> On Wednesday, May 1, 2013 12:11:18 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>> I'm not sure I follow ....
>> let's take an hypothetical "do_this" component
>> you can have
>> controllers/do_this.py
>> models/do_this.py or models/do_this/whatever.py
>> views/do_this/index.html ....views/do_this/anotherindex.html (or .load, 
>> or .json, or .whatisneeded)
>> and in your view simply calling LOAD('do_this', 'index')
>> and all works. The only thing that is not "contained" in a folder is the 
>> controller file, and that's more or less the recommended structure for 
>> web2py plugins. If you take "the structure" a little bit further (like the 
>> one explained in the book at 
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/12#Plugins) you'd have also 
>> the admin app grouping them all in a single "manage this plugin" page. 
>> What do you need ? all those files in a single folder ?


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