> RDBMS are built for complex filtering - this is (part) of what SQL is 
> allabout - I wouldn't want to dismiss that - it would be a bad choice 
> all-around.

A complex filter on a small set of items might be faster in Python than 
doing another database hit. And a simple filter might belong in the db if 
it has to go over lots of records. As I said, these are orthogonal 

> Conversely, simple-filtering is way too verbose using the DAL - it's an 
> overkill for that, and makes the code much less readable.

Don't know why you think that.

> For simple filtering, well, I'd rather do it in python and get 
> readability, becuase the performance-benefits are negligible.

But I thought you were a fan of achieving negligible performance benefits 
at great cost (see below).

> Now you've really lost me -- what does any of this have to do with RDBMS 
>> vs. NoSQL? And why shouldn't you do complex filtering in Python?
> See above.

Still don't know why you would want a NoSQL database or what it has to do 
with this topic. 

> db.Country(france).select().find(lambda r: r.Language != spanish and r.
>> Population > 1000000)
> That's actully pretty nice - I didn't know I can do that - but what would 
> the "france" and "spanish" objects be in this case? Ids? 

Well, you've sure made a lot of claims about what web2py needs without 
knowing much about what it already has. Those are ids. If they were rows, 
then you would just do france.id and spanish.id.

> OK, please provide some benchmarks. What percentage decrease in CPU usage 
>> can we expect if we compare object identities rather than integer 
>> equivalencies?
> Really? You think I need to?

Yes, I think you need to. If this is only going to save a half a second of 
CPU time per day, I'm not going to build an ORM to get it. The question 
isn't how much faster the identity check is (and I don't think it's that 
much faster) -- the question is how much of your overall application CPU 
time is spent doing this kind of thing?



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