On Fri, 27 Sep 2013 10:16:12 -0400
Richard Vézina
<ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:

> CMS is dead!! 

I don't agree.

> Yes there is still need for it, but there is plenty of
> already mature and working solution out there. 

But not for web2py.

> With the frameworks
> you can make much better than any CMS will never be able to do by
> developping a specific app that address the exact needs of your
> cusomers. For sure it requires more skills, but you should master
> what you do anyway if you are serious. 

I do not believe it's wise to re-invent major part of the common tasks
for every client's app. It means that such apps will have very limited
userbase and therefore not much testing in the filed and therefore prone
to all kinds of problems.

> For a serious cusomer 5K is a basic check in the Web. For this price a
> good developper can build something really good for the specific needs
> of the client using Frameworks. The resulting app will be easy to
> evolve database centric according to the need of the client. 

If we put Mezzanine thorugh sloccount, we get the following:

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 14,849
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 3.40 (40.78)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                         = 0.85 (10.23)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)  = 3.99
Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 459,117
 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).

so your estimated 5k budget won't accomplish much. :-)

> For others that only one page on the web there is CMS (WP, Joomla,
> etc.). But I think that trying to build a custom site with CMS as many
> are doing with plugins is a waste of time and money and only lead to a
> poorly secure web site. I had issue with WordPress and plugins in the
> pass and there is no way to know if a plugins is safe or not even if
> it is largely used.

Let's don't mix apples and oranges. Here I'm mostly thinking about
Python-based frameworks, iow. Django vs. web2py. ;)

> I am not saying that creating a good web2py CMS is not useful, but
> maybe just use WP or Joomla with a custom app for client specific
> need in symbiosis is more money wise?? So you have best of both
> world...

Complete-stack frameworks like Django, Pyramid...have CMS projects and
even microframework like Flask has it, but it looks as web2py are
special not having one nor considering it needed, so no wonder it
occupies only specific niche.


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