On Fri, 27 Sep 2013 17:06:02 +0200
Loïc ESPERN <l...@espern.net> wrote:

> Depends on what you (or your customers) need...


> I developped my little CMS to build a presentation website for a local
> organization of firefighters in my city. They hadn't a lot of money to
> expend, and they needed something very simple, to edit some webpages
> content. Wordpress / Joomla were already overcomplicated for them.

Similarly, I did web site for non-profit here which is running under
Textpattern (PHP) CMS allowing easy adding/editing of the content by
using Textile markup.

> And so on...
> Finally, of course, a specific app that addresses exactly each
> customer needs is ideal for them. But not every customer will accept
> to pay thousands of dollars for only a few of basic features.

I'm in a similar boat...

My friend running web agency here in Croatia is complaining to me that
many customers just want modified generic WP template and that's all and
not ready to pay for more than few hours work modifying the WP theme.

Now I wonder what to do in a case when

a) I'd like not to combine PHP technology with web2py

b) there is no web2py-powered CMS providing features similar to e.g.
some PHP solutions

c) not having (yet) skills to roll my own CMS ?

In general, one starts by creating static design using some CSS
framework. Then, depending on the customer's needs, I could leave the
site as it is or convert design into some CMS enabling easy
adding/editing of the content.

The option which I am considering lately for my own purpose is to use
some python-powered static-site-generator.

When the need arises to add some interactive/dynamic features to the
site, static-site-generator and/or plain static site is not good-enough.

So, the question is how to start building web2py-powered web site which
should start e.g. as simple brochure site onto which one can further
functionality by writing small apps in web2py?

Do you all write some kind of CMS allowing to add larger portions of
static text/media which make the major portion of the site or do you
combine smaller web2py apps with something else?

What do you think about e.g. building web site via some static site
generator and then write web2py handling some dynamic aspects?

How is e.g. added/edited content to the web2py.com site itself?


For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of 
friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will 
remain the greatest enemy.

http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of 
desires — that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is 
ever being filled but is always still — can alone achieve 
peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.

http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

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