On Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:17:04 -0400
Richard Vézina
<ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't say re-invent the wheel. If you have a couple of clients, you
> will re-use app, so it get tested overtime. 

Why not contributing such codebase to the web2py community, so that
others can built on that.

> A basic html page is more then enough for greate number of small
> business because of lack of vision maybe or just because there core
> business doesn't required online tool.

That's true and I also plan to use some SSG (static site generator) for
such use cases, but, fortunately, there are plenty of them and they're
free. :-)

>  I setup many CMS for many organisation since 2000 and most of the
>  time the client where calling me to update stuff on the site even if
>  I give them a formation to show how easy it was to update or add more
>  content on their site. That why I say CMS is dead. It will never
>  really reach it objective for small business. 

There are tons of sites out built with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
Concre5, CMS Made Simple, SilverStripe, MODx...(not mentioning ones with
Ruby-powered CMS-es) and I simply do not believe that most of them are
updated by developers.

> CSM is good for mid to large organisation, but most of the time they
> will build their own solution with a framework today...

Here I also believe that most of such organization does not care what is
used to run their site as long as ot provides what they want, so it
depends on the agency/developer doing the work.

Here (https://www.django-cms.org/en/case-studies/mercedes-benz/) you can
see how the agency used e.g. Django-CMS to build the site for Mercedes
Benz. So, if it's good-enough for Mercedes Benz to have web site built
upon open-source Django framework and 'general' CMS, why not based on
web2py and appropriate CMS?

> So, I am not against creating a CMS, but what serve to create another
> pizza shop in town, there is already 3...

Maybe there is no pizza shop in the town suitable for vegetarians. ;)

> I think it is more pragmatic to combine technology that works, even
> if I where prefere to keep everything simple by doing everthing in
> web2py...

There is nice quote on web2py site: "Please use www.web2py.com when
using MVC , no PHP/SQL stuff please...its 2011 not 1999!"

It seems to be that, according to your logic, we should leave the users
with no option except using Windows OS and let all the devs use
Slackware/Gentoo or LFS. :-)

Fortunately, someone invented Ubuntu (btw, I use Debian Sid) and it was
not enough so some brave users went further and provided Linux Mint or
even PC-BSD. :-)

I'm encouraged by Massimo's "+1" and strongly believe that in order to
say thank you for his work of providing such a wonderful piece of
software for *free*, that web2py community should come together and
give something back in the form of general web2py-ppowered CMS easy
enough to be used stand-alone by end-users as well as flexible enough to
allow devs/agencies to build upon it custom solutions.

I know that if I'd be capable to do it, I wouldn't not think twice.

However, I'm at the beginning of python-based web development and will
probably have to start my modifying Mezzaning to build some sites, but I
won't forget idea of web2py CMS. ;)

> This is just my opinion and only my opinion...

In my case I'm glad I'm not alone with my opinion. :P


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