Quint has done all the hard work for web2py:


2014-03-25 22:24 GMT+01:00 Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com>:
> I think we should switch to this: https://github.com/omab/python-social-auth
> 2014-03-25 21:37 GMT+01:00 Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com>:
>> Janrain + Google seems to work fine on web2py 2.5.1. I am having a different
>> problem with Janrain, though. In IE 10 and 11 on Windows 8.1, login doesn't
>> work with any provider. When the pop-up window goes to a URL like this:
>> https://appname.rpxnow.com/xdcomm#opener;0:%7B%22stat%22:%20%22ok%22,%20%22redirectUrl%22:%20%22http://appname.rpxnow.com/redirect?loc=14ac2af5c12ae2f9ab46c5b6f6b4aa6ef9b2af3b%22,%20%22origin%22:%20null,%20%22widget_type%22:%20%22auth%22,%20%22provider%22:%20null,%20%22welcome_info_name%22:%20%22Doe%20Doe%22%7D
>> It generates the following JS error:
>> SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'setTimeout' of undefined or null
>> reference
>> File: xdcomm.js, Line: 1, Column: 583
>> Referring to this code:
>> (function(c){var
>> b=c.location.href,g=b.indexOf("#"),l,i,e,h,m,a,d,k,j;if(g>0){i=decodeURIComponent(b.substring(g+1))}else{throw
>> new Error("RPX:receiver: Missing fragment.")}l=i.indexOf(";");if(l<0){throw
>> new Error("RPX:receiver: Missing flags
>> separator.")}e=i.substring(0,l).split(",");d=i.substring(l+1);l=d.indexOf(":");if(l<0){throw
>> new Error("RPX:receiver: Missing func
>> separator.")}a=d.substring(0,l);m=d.substring(l+1);k=function(f,o){for(var
>> n=0;n<f.length;n++){if(f[n]==o){return n}}return
>> -1};if(k(e,"top")>=0){h=c.top}else{if(k(e,"opener")>=0){h=c.opener}else{h=c.parent}}h.setTimeout(function(){if(a=="close"){h.RPXNOW.Util.LightBox.close()}else{if(a=="janrainSignin"){h.janrainSignin()}else{if(a=="JANRAIN.LOGIN_HELPER._redirect"){h.JANRAIN.LOGIN_HELPER._redirect(m)}else{if(!isNaN(a)){h.RPXNOW._xdCallbacks[a](m)}}}}return
>> false},0)})(this);
>> No problem on Windows 7 or if emulating IE 9 on Windows 8.
>> Anthony
>> On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:30:39 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> Any janrain users?
>>> Some users have reported that janrain no longer works with google login. I
>>> have experience the same problem.
>>> In December (version 2.9.x) we moved to the new Janrain API. I looked into
>>> this and the and the new API require a different and more complex
>>> configuration on the janrain page to use Google login. Specifically, they
>>> require a Google API. This is a show stopper for many.
>>> So the questions are:
>>> - do you use Janrain?
>>> - do you use Google with Janrain?
>>> - if so, does the OLD api still works (web2py 2.8.x)?
>>> - should we revert to the old API or have an option to use the old API?
>>> Massimo
>> --
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>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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