You say "I'm using we2py in production to serve about 15 websites, each one 
of them is served by it's own web2py installation." Why? Why not a single 
web2py running? Do the difference instances run on the same server and 
different ports?

On Friday, 20 March 2015 17:33:15 UTC-5, Lisandro wrote:
> I'm using we2py in production to serve about 15 websites, each one of them 
> is served by it's own web2py installation.
> I want to clean up expired sessions every certain amount of time. To do 
> that, I create a file under /etc/cron.d/ for every website. The file has 
> the following content:
> MAILTO=root
> */60 * * * www-data nohup python /var/www/mywebsite/ -S init   -M 
> -R /var/www/mywebsite/scripts/ -A -o
> */60 * * * www-data nohup python /var/www/mywebsite/ -S panel  -M 
> -R /var/www/mywebsite/scripts/ -A -o
> As you can see, the cleaning is executed one per hour. I'm using two lines 
> for each websites, because each website has two web2py applications 
> running: "init" and "panel", so I clean up sessions of both of them. 
> The problem is that, if I activate those lines in cron configuration, 
> every time they are executed I can see that memory usage of my sever goes 
> "to the sky" (memory is all used and the server starts to swap), also the 
> CPU load increases considerably, and during about 5 o 10 minutes, all the 
> websites throw errors.
> If I execute those lines manually, they execute and finish instantly. I 
> mean, there aren't too much sessions to cleanup, so the cleaning takes no 
> more than a few seconds.  So I don't understand why the same process isn't 
> working when called from cron. Any tip on this? Thanks in advance!

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