SO I don't think we should have a signup sheet....

I think it should be more virtual-open spaces style:  a regular time IRC,
and whoever shows up takes on a task...

The real "work" will be syncing everyone up to the same version code, and
working and re-syncing every 15 minutes (I would like to drive a 15 minute
coding rule:  no longer than that before we get some version of running code
- even if only failing tests - and work in those kinds of increments)

That means, over a 2 hour sprint, we should have about 1:00 - 1:15 of actual
coding.  With integration / merging, probably 4-6 coders per sprint.  More
than that would probably need sub-groups of 4-6 (1-2 coordinators /

As slow as bazaar is, i think either git or mercurial is the way to go -
since mercurial is traditionally more portable (and what Python project has
decided to move to) I suggest that.

We should start w/ a mercurial setup session....  then we can announce a
first sprint session.

Who's in for the setup?

One of the things we'll have to work out:  how to work:  pull from each
other, or push to branches, and a captain pull, merge, push to trun and give
to people --- that latter part will be the time limiting factor; if it's too
much coding at a time, the merges will get messy.  If a merge results in
failing code, that will have to be addressed first.

Time zone may be the other factor to consider...

Before setup and coding, working out basic specs (coding  / design tasks)
should happen...

Other rules I propose:   If a sprint can't get code running w/ 15 minutes of
coding, then into 1hr design session;
If design session can't solve it, then move up to a modeling session (1 week
chuncks);  if that doesn't solve it, then up to a problem definition stage
(2 week-1 month chuncks).

Who's still up for this?  In for the first?   First session would be problem
definition, and initial model description (sentences; I don't want to get
into UML models unless the complexity warrants).  Then we decide if we have
enough to do some initial coding, or need to define prototyping coding
sessions to flush out what we want to do...    Then the next IRC will be
working out how we share / exchange code in such a short cycle (15 minutes,
repeated thru 2 to maybe 4 hr sprints).

- Yarko

- Yarko

- Yarko

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 6:27 PM, mdipierro <> wrote:

> I agree but I want to be a contributor not the coordinator or project
> owner.
> Massimo
> On Jul 10, 6:20 pm, viniciusban <> wrote:
> > On Jul 10, 5:49 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> >
> > > Those are bigger, more ambitious projects.
> >
> > > We could start with something shorter, just to work out the task force
> > > processes....
> >
> > Yarko, I agree with you.
> >
> > > How does this sound?   A simpler job to work out the basics of the
> working
> > > process, find what will work for starters.
> >
> > It sounds great for me.
> >
> > If we cannot do something small and simple, we shall not do something
> > bigger, too.
> > The problem is not just develop. The *real* problem is communicate,
> > integrate and not give up.
> >
> > In addition, there are many people learning python and web2py as well,
> > like me.
> > I am a professional developer, but I don't have experience with this
> > sort or tools.
> >
> > If we start small I am on it.
> >
> > Massimo, how about creating a sheet (google docs, maybe?) to allow
> > people to sign in telling what role would like to play in this
> > project?
> > We don't need just developers, right?
> >
> > I see that any project needs the "Benevolent Dictator for
> > Life" (BDFL), like Guido van Rossum or Linus Torvalds.
> > We need someone to make choices. We need someone to select features to
> > be implemented (the Product Owner, in agile terms).
> >
> > And we need some coordinator. We need a leader, someone to head teams
> > to a commum goal (the coach, or the scrum master in scrum jargon).
> >
> > So, I suggest the sheet, Massimo.
> >
> > --
> > Vinicius Assef.
> >

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