Set the default hotel value in the SQLFORM field.

You could also 'force' the hotel you want by using SQLFORM onvalidation 

On Tuesday, 25 February 2020 07:28:31 UTC, mostwanted wrote:
> I have 2 tables about a hotel, one table registers the hotel itself & the 
> other is about meals that are offered at the hotel but the idea is that 
> only group members of each hotel have to & can only register meals for 
> their hotels. So to avoid mistakes & prevent malicious intentions I was 
> wondering if its possible to have the referencing field in the meals table 
> pre-selected appropriately for the logged in user with their correct hotel 
> name as per the group they belong to. I hope I make sense:
> def get_group():
>     groups = auth.user_groups
>     if not groups:
>         return None
>     group_ids = [id for id in groups if not groups[id].startswith('user_')]
>     return group_ids[0] if group_ids else None
> db.define_table('hotel_profile',
>                 Field('hotel_name'),
>                 Field('logo', 'upload'),
>                 Field('tel1'),
>                 Field('email_address'),
>                 Field('directions', 'text', requires=IS_LENGTH(500)),
>                 Field('google_directions'),
>                 Field('posted_by', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.
> user_id, readable=False, writable=False),
>                 Field('groups', 'reference auth_group', default=get_group
> (), readable=False, writable=False),
>                 format='%(hotel_name)s'
>                )
> db.define_table('meals',
>                 Field('hotel', 'reference hotel_profile'),
>                 Field('supper_price'),
>                 Field('supper_details', 'text', requires=IS_LENGTH(200)),
>                 Field('lunch_price'),
>                 Field('lunch_details', 'text', requires=IS_LENGTH(200)),
>                 Field('breakfast_price'),
>                 Field('breakfast_details', 'text', requires=IS_LENGTH(200
> )),
>                 Field('posted_by', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.
> user_id, readable=False, writable=False),
>                 Field('groups', 'reference auth_group', default=get_group
> (), readable=False, writable=False)
>                )
> Regards;
> Mostwanted

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