_onclick="updatelivesearch(jQuery('#res%s').html())" % c.service_name

this is a function that displays suggested names through ajax 
auto-completion evrytime the user types something on the textfield.
Thanks alot for your input Jim i'll keep working on it, one way or the 
other i'll figure it out.

On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 7:34:44 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:

> What is the 
> _onclick="updatelivesearch(jQuery('#res%s').html())" % c.service_name
> on your anchor tag inside your span?
> Can you try removing that?
> Since you have a listener for the click of that element already, I'm not 
> sure how it behaves if you have the onclick attribute set as well.  Maybe 
> there are some stronger javascript people that can jump in.
> -Jim
> On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 11:23:45 AM UTC-6, mostwanted wrote:
>> *" Are you trying to show the span when the link is clicked 'while' the 
>> page is loaded?  ":  *Yes sir
>> *" I'm guessing you are clicking the link after the page is loaded ": *Yes 
>> sir
>> *"Also, where in your javascript did you add the console.log()?":  *I 
>> added it inside the click function just before initialization of the id 
>> variable
>> *<script>*$(document).ready(function(){
>>             $('.service').click(function(e) {
>> *console.log( "Hello world!" );*
>>         const id = $(this).data('id'); 
>>         $('#' + id).fadeIn(); 
>>         e.preventDefault();
>>             });
>>             });
>> *</script>* 
>> On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 4:09:12 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:
>>> Ok, trying to better understand your intent.
>>> You said:
>>> I have a hidden span that i want displayed when a link is clisked while 
>>> waiting for the page to load but this is not working! I dont know where 
>>> I am going wrong but thought I had it right, please assist me.
>>> Are you trying to show the span when the link is clicked 'while' the 
>>> page is loaded?  I'm guessing you are clicking the link after the page is 
>>> loaded.  Can you confirm?
>>> Also, where in your javascript did you add the console.log()?
>>> -Jim
>>> On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 12:34:02 AM UTC-6, mostwanted wrote:
>>>> I threw in  console.log("Hello world!");  but its not printing anything 
>>>> on the console! The link events are not being handled!
>>>> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 11:35:19 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:
>>>>> Can you put some console.log() statements in your javascript inside 
>>>>> your function to see what is/isn't working?
>>>>> -Jim
>>>>> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 12:10:06 PM UTC-6, mostwanted wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Jim, I have but it shows no errors!
>>>>>> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 6:02:50 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:
>>>>>>> Have you checked your browser console to see if you have any 
>>>>>>> javascript errors?
>>>>>>> -Jim
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 3:36:22 AM UTC-6, mostwanted wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have a hidden span that i want displayed when a link is clisked 
>>>>>>>> while waiting for the page to load but this is not working! I dont 
>>>>>>>> know 
>>>>>>>> where I am going wrong but thought I had it right, please assist me.
>>>>>>>> *CSS:*
>>>>>>>> .link_loader
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>     display: none;
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> *CONTROLLER*
>>>>>>>> *#The yellow line is the hidden span that has the loader I want to 
>>>>>>>> display*
>>>>>>>> def ajaxlivesearch():
>>>>>>>>     keywords = request.vars.keywords
>>>>>>>>     print "Keywords: " + str(keywords)
>>>>>>>>     if keywords:
>>>>>>>>         query = reduce(lambda 
>>>>>>>> a,b:a&b,[db.services.service_name.contains(k) for k in 
>>>>>>>> keywords.split()])
>>>>>>>>     services = db(query).select()
>>>>>>>>     items = []
>>>>>>>> if services:
>>>>>>>>         for c in services: 
>>>>>>>>             items.append(DIV*(SPAN("loading ...", SPAN(_class="fa 
>>>>>>>> fa-spinner fa-spin"), _class="link_loader", 
>>>>>>>> data={'id':"res%s"%c.service_name})*, A(c.service_name, 
>>>>>>>> _class="service", _style="font-weight: bold;", _href=URL('companies', 
>>>>>>>> args=
>>>>>>>> c.id), _id="res%s"%c.service_name, 
>>>>>>>> _onclick="updatelivesearch(jQuery('#res%s').html())" % 
>>>>>>>> c.service_name)))
>>>>>>>> *VIEW*
>>>>>>>> *#This jQuery script attempts to display the hidden span*
>>>>>>>> *<script>*$(document).ready(function(){
>>>>>>>>             $('.service').click(function(e) {
>>>>>>>>         const id = $(this).data('id'); 
>>>>>>>>         $('#' + id).fadeIn(); 
>>>>>>>>         e.preventDefault();
>>>>>>>>             });
>>>>>>>>             });
>>>>>>>> *</script>*
>>>>>>>> Regards;
>>>>>>>> Mostwanted

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