On Oct 21, 4:41 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:32 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > I want to add something to this. I envision many different types of
> > plugins and combinations thereof:
> > 1) some plugin may expose a controller action
> Do you mean a plugin may contain a controller?


> > 2) some may expose more than one controller action
> A controller's interface may include controllers - what are the rules?  Can
> it redirect to use an app view?  Must it contain it's own matching views?
> How will this happen?

a plugin should use it's own views but can use the app layout

> > 3) some will act on axisting db
> How will a plugin that is used by more than one app know the db?  How will
> it prevent its own tables from accidentally conflicting with an apps?  What
> are the needed rules / constraints for this?

It would need to be configured or passed the address of the db by the
LOAD function (not recommended)

> > 4) some will have their own db
> How will a plugin's db be created?  IN the case where manual creation is
> needed, how will plugin installation handle this?  What is needed here?

plugin_[whatever].db=DAL('sqlite://myowndb') # configurable

> > 5) some will act on existing tables
> How will data integrity be assured for such plugins?  (I can think of a
> malicious plugin doing nasty things, or a sloppy one doing even worse)?

It cannot be guaranteed. When you use a plugin (or any web2py app, or
any app for what matters) you run other people code. As far you know
they can do os.system('rm -r *'). No way of knowing. Python does not
provide a sandbox.

> > 6) some will define their own tables
> In what db?  What are the rules?  How does the app now?  How will the app
> know wich tables belong to the plugin?

plugin tables must have names that start with plugin_[name]_ so that
app can get a list:

tables=[table for table in db.tables if re.compile

> > 7) some will keep those tables private
> Private from users?  Private from app (how)?

from the app or use auth to regulate data access.

> > 8) some will expose those tables to the rest of the app
> > 9) some may just define a new helper or widget for forms
> > 10) some may just define a new layout
> > 11) some may just contain static files
> > 12) some my just contain python modules
> > 13) some may expose internal variables, for example to a CMS app
> > So for me a plugin is not always an isolated entity.
> I will not go on - this is an example, and I invite everyone from the
> community to consider the same sorts of questions, but "is not isolated"
> begs "is it modular?"  and introduces all sorts of nasty potential problems
> due to coupling.
> This then begs the question - should it be a plugin? or a component (e.g.
> part of the app, and not pluggable, due to application coupling).

ok but please let's not argue about definitions about about features
and behavior.
- For me a "plugin" is a piece of an app that can be copied in another
app and will work.
- A "component" is a controller+view that can be embedded using
something like the {{+LOAD()}} helper.

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