I have updated the docstring and I have make a nonzero zero in trunk.

On Jan 2, 4:28 pm, "KONTRA, Gergely" <pihent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Please never assume that something that is not done by default cannot
> > be done.
> > db.whatever.partner.requires.zero="Please Select One"
> Again, where can I find info about the zero argument?
> It is mentioned 
> athttp://www.web2py.com/examples/static/epydoc/web2py.gluon.validators....
> __init__(self, dbset, field, label=None, error_message='value not in
> database', orderby=None, cache=None, multiple=False, zero=None)
> and nothing about the arguments :(
> but searching for requires zero on the site cannot give me extra info.
> see:http://www.google.hu/search?q=%2Brequires+%2Bzero+site%3Aweb2py.com
> IMHO: Something, that is not documented, does not exist.
> Gergo


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