On Mar 4, 2:17 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Some of the answers are funny. Mostly they are consistent with one
> exception.
> Perhaps a web2py hat is better than a t-shirt. I lost mine last
> summer. :-(

Rather flippant given that someone has gone to some effort to set up a
survey to help out Web2py and that the survey responses were careful.

As I see it the real goal of Web2py is to become more popular than
Django. I do not see this as healthy.

Like it or not, for whatever reasons the Python community is
interested in Django and not in Web2py, as evidenced through
democratic votes of PyCon participants about what participants want to
attend presentations about.

Web2py says it is for the enterprise yet who can identify where the
enterprise is in web2py that will ensure its long term future and
suitability for those really unexciting and boring issues such as paid
guaranteed support? The support base is tiny and lacks well known

I did not complete the survey. I find the concern over popularity
uncomfortable.  I have never come anything of a comparable nature that
gets so anguished about its 'destiny'. To me it is a bad sign and
indicates a weakness. If the goal of Linux was to be more popular than
Windows then Linux would be long dead. There is some irony related to
issues I do not want to revive and never wanted raised, that Linux
lost the PR battle with Windows not because of Linux but because of
Apache. How dumb is that from those who obsessively hammered Windows
and Windows users as dumb?

John Heenan

> On Mar 3, 10:10 am, Wobmofo <muito...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Here is the results (from only 11 responses):
> >http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tKCyJuTYjVuWHWNFyPcZ51w&single...
> >http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewanalytics?formkey=dEtDeUp1VFlqVnVX...
> > In summary :
> > web2py is THE EASY web framework
> > django people don't like us
> > web2py's Authenticity and Passion is good
> > web2py's Identity (The art work, logos) need some works
> > web2py's Reputation is average
> > about half people here would wear a web2py T-Shirt
> > For those who haven't take the survey it's not too late 
> > :https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEtDeUp1VFlqVnVXSFdO...

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