The benchmarks are in. As you can see from the attached PDF, there is a strong case for Rocket.

How I conducted these benchmarks:

CPU: Athlon 4050e 2.1 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
Python 2.6.1
Rocket 0.3.1
Cherrypy 3.1.2

I used ApacheBench to run the numbers you see.

The wsgi app used was as basic as it gets:

def test_app(env, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK',
                   [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    return ["True"]

Apache (and mod_wsgi) were not particularly tuned but were included to show generally where it would end up on scales. Don't take this as a definitive look at Apache or mod_wsgi's performance (back you nginx/cherokee/lighty trolls! ;-). This is about a server that can be included in web2py.

You'll notice some blank entries in the's why:

My original intervals were 1,2,5,10,25,50,100,250,500,1000. However, I added in 6,7,8 after seeing Cherrypy's performance hit a wall. I wanted to show where that happened. I didn't see it necessary to include Rocket or mod_wsgi in those iterations since they saw no such wall. mod_wsgi does not include numbers for 500 or 1000 concurrent connections because at that point Apache started rejecting connections. This would not be an issue on a properly configured Apache. Once again, the main comparison here is between Rocket and Cherrypy's wsgiserver.

If you would like the full spreadsheet, email me privately.


On 3/11/2010 10:19 AM, Timothy Farrell wrote:
The code has changed since version 0.1, Let me re-run some benchmarks. I'll have time to tomorrow.

For those curious, the basic difference is that Rocket handles a few concurrent connections as fast as wsgiserver and many concurrent connections much much faster. It's also smaller, with cleaner code.


On 3/11/2010 10:08 AM, mdipierro wrote:
We moved from cherrypy wsgiserver to Rocket, by Timothy Farrell.

I included an older version, need to include the latest one.

It needs to be tested but let's wait I post the latest version before
we do so.

@Tim, you made a very convincing case to me some time ago. Can you
share your benchmark with the rest of the users?


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