On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:10 PM, mdipierro wrote:

> web2py does something clever for view but very stupid for controllers.
> The good:
> For each action is collapses its view, all extended views (layout for
> example) and included views into a single pyc file.
> The bad:
> For each action it generates one pyc that contains a copy of the
> entire controller.
> The ugly:
> The bad part can easily be fixed so that there is only one pyc per
> controller and not per action but this breaks backward compatibility
> for bytecode compiled apps. In the end we are using more space than
> needed in order to perform less checks. I admit it is ugly.

Why does the compiled version include the .pyc files in controllers/ (outside 
of compiled/)? It doesn't seem like those get used, at least not by 

And a minor thing: there's a lot of this kind of thing:

    path = os.path.join(folder, 'compiled/')

Should the '/' really be part of the call? It sort of defeats the purpose of 

> On Apr 19, 4:54 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> When I compile an app, and the install it, it appears that controllers show 
>> up twice: once in controllers/ as one .pyc per controller file, and again in 
>> compiled/, this time once per function. What's going on, and how are these 
>> files used?
>> Also, the manual says:
>>> Because views can extend and include other views in a tree, before bytecode 
>>> compilation, the view tree for every controller is collapsed into a single 
>>> file.
>> But in compiled/, I see a view .pyc per function, not per controller. I 
>> assume that I'm misinterpreting something, but again: what's going on here?
>> --
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