I took a somewhat different approach. I signed up for a shared 1 plan
and got a dedicated IP address. Under domains I added two subdomains:
www and admin. Under applications I created a web2py application of
type custom install script (http://wiki.webfaction.com/wiki/Web2py-
LatestSource?format=txt). Under websites I created two websites one
with https disabled for mydomain.com and www.mydomain.com and one with
https enabled for admin .mydomain.com in both cases I selected my
dedicated IP address from the IP menu.

Now admin can be accessed from: https://admin.mydomain.com using the
same initial password as the webfaction control panel. In my post of
20 April I described how to install an application.

Furthermore, according to Massimo this is not true:

* Web2py won't work properly if it is mounted to a sub-URL like
http://domain.com/web2py/. Instead, it must be mounted to the website
root, e.g. http://domain.com/

Massimo's comment on this caveat:

"It is not true. It can be mounted in a sub-url but you the web server
or web2py routes must be instructed to remove the "web2py/" from the

Kind regards,


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