Now I have two containers, one includes jqgrid_plugin the other
includes iframe to display /default/details view. Both work fine on
the initial load of the page. Using jqgrid onSelectRow event I tried
to add a function to update the iframe page.

## View
   <iframe id="myframe" src="{{=URL(r=request,f='details',args=2)}}"></

## model
   jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: function() {$

However when a row is selected the iframe returns Invalid Request.
It's not even calling the controller, just displays Invalid Request. I
haven't quite figured out how to get jqgrid and the server
communicating. I've been able to show grid values using alert and get
jquery to handle data sent from server but can't get jqgrid to trigger
the server and the server read jqgrid.Parameters.

Any suggestions as to the best way to update iframe contents by
selecting a row? And/Or someone kindly provide some sort of
explanation how jquery and server communicate would be greatly
appreciated !!..


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