Yes I got it working. Using the jqgrid_plugin, very nicely prepared by
parroit, I added an onSelectRow event to trigger the reload of an
iframe on the same page. The id of the selected row is posted as args
to the url. The controller function then uses the row_id to update the
view shown in the iframe.

Same concept as the Subgrid feature show in demo by jqgrid. Instead of
adding the details of the master grid to a subgrid I'm showing the
details in a formatted view page located in an iframe so the details
can be updated (as the rows are selected) without having to refresh
the whole page.


On May 14, 11:26 pm, AsmanCom <> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am working with JQGrid plugin too.
> Just to get your approach right.. you´ve realised a Master-Detail
> function with the JQGrid?
> Very nice! May i can use this too.
> Is the code(for Controller, View) from your last post working, right
> now?
> Did you made any changes to the ##model code?
> I am trying to implemented the "Subgrid" 
> feature: ->"New since beta 3.0"
> ->"subgrid with JSON Data"
> This could be a nice feature, and also it would be cool to let the
> grid show Images from the "upload" Field.
> Dieter Asman
> On 14 Mai, 11:32, Jason Lotz <> wrote:
> > Sorry to keep replying to myself. Just wanted to let you know my
> > progress. After stepping back and evaluating the case I managed to
> > configure it as I wanted.
> > ## View
> > jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid({
> >    onSelectRow: function(postdata){$("#myframe").attr('src',"/MyApp/
> > default/details/"+(postdata));}
> > });
> > ## Controller
> > def details():
> >    id = request.args[0]
> >    // everything else
> >    return dict()
> > Jay
> > On May 14, 5:58 pm, Jason Lotz <> wrote:
> > > The first and obvious thing I see I did wrong was trying to put python
> > > into jquery script.
> > >  jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: function() {
> > >    $
> > > ('#myframe').attr('src',"{{=URL(r=request,f='details',args=2)}}");}
> > > But I still don't understand how I can make it dynamic src, or how to
> > > get jquery to communicate with the server.
> > > Jay
> > > On May 14, 4:59 pm, Jason Lotz <> wrote:
> > > > Now I have two containers, one includes jqgrid_plugin the other
> > > > includesiframeto display /default/details view. Both work fine on
> > > > the initial load of the page. Using jqgrid onSelectRow event I tried
> > > > to add a function to update theiframepage.
> > > > ## View
> > > > <div>
> > > >    {{=plugin_jqgrid(db.test,columns=['fields'],height=200)}}
> > > > </div>
> > > > <div>
> > > >    <iframeid="myframe" src="{{=URL(r=request,f='details',args=2)}}"></
> > > >iframe>
> > > > </div>
> > > > ## model
> > > > jQuery(document).ready(function(){
> > > >    jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: function() {$
> > > > ('#myframe').attr('src',"{{=URL(r=request,f='details',args=2)}}");}
> > > > });
> > > > However when a row is selected theiframereturns Invalid Request.
> > > > It's not even calling the controller, just displays Invalid Request. I
> > > > haven't quite figured out how to get jqgrid and the server
> > > > communicating. I've been able to show grid values using alert and get
> > > > jquery to handle data sent from server but can't get jqgrid to trigger
> > > > the server and the server read jqgrid.Parameters.
> > > > Any suggestions as to the best way to updateiframecontents by
> > > > selecting a row? And/Or someone kindly provide some sort of
> > > > explanation how jquery and server communicate would be greatly
> > > > appreciated !!..
> > > > Jay

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