The first and obvious thing I see I did wrong was trying to put python
into jquery script.

 jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: function() {

But I still don't understand how I can make it dynamic src, or how to
get jquery to communicate with the server.


On May 14, 4:59 pm, Jason Lotz <> wrote:
> Now I have two containers, one includes jqgrid_plugin the other
> includes iframe to display /default/details view. Both work fine on
> the initial load of the page. Using jqgrid onSelectRow event I tried
> to add a function to update the iframe page.
> ## View
> <div>
>    {{=plugin_jqgrid(db.test,columns=['fields'],height=200)}}
> </div>
> <div>
>    <iframe id="myframe" src="{{=URL(r=request,f='details',args=2)}}"></
> iframe>
> </div>
> ## model
> jQuery(document).ready(function(){
>    jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: function() {$
> ('#myframe').attr('src',"{{=URL(r=request,f='details',args=2)}}");}
> });
> However when a row is selected the iframe returns Invalid Request.
> It's not even calling the controller, just displays Invalid Request. I
> haven't quite figured out how to get jqgrid and the server
> communicating. I've been able to show grid values using alert and get
> jquery to handle data sent from server but can't get jqgrid to trigger
> the server and the server read jqgrid.Parameters.
> Any suggestions as to the best way to update iframe contents by
> selecting a row? And/Or someone kindly provide some sort of
> explanation how jquery and server communicate would be greatly
> appreciated !!..
> Jay

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