python -S admin -R applications/admin/cron/

On May 18, 12:55 pm, annet <> wrote:
> Massimo,
> At webfaction I can do:
> [myser...@webxxx ~]$ crontab -l
> 11,31,51 * * * * /home/fitwise/webapps/customweb2py/apache2/bin/start
> /dev/null 2>&1
> 12,32,52 * * * * /home/fitwise/webapps/customweb2py/apache2/bin/start
> /dev/null 2>&1
> 46 * * * * cd ~/webapps/loganalyzer;./
> [myser...@webxxx ~]$
> ... and I can edit this file: crontab -e
> I posted a ticket:
> Will running the crontab -e command and adding this line: 10
> *       *       *       *       root **applications/admin/cron/
> , solve my problem? What's with the 10, and the
> 'root ** applications' bit, are they specific to my local system, or
> will they work remotely as well.
> ... to which I got the following reply:
> Yes, I bee that the "root **" part is specific to your local cron
> setup.
> I would suggest that you try to figure out which command exactly do
> you need to run through the command line, in order to clear the
> sessions. If the script is directly executable via the command line,
> then you should add the command that you are executing it with to your
> crontab. If it is accessible via web, you could add something like
> 'wget'to your crontab, in order
> to trigger a web request to the script.
> I hope this helps you help me solve the problem,
> Annet.

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