Correction his name was Dima

On 2 jun, 09:57, Mark Breedveld <> wrote:
> Ps. does anyone know how to contactdimoor his progress on the gluon
> packages?
> On 2 jun, 09:56, Mark Breedveld <> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > I've took a look at and seems to be good.
> > I haven't tested it, but because I do not have time for that.
> > But I see how it works and packing web2py should not be a problem.
> > Because it's mainly moving files around and checking depencies.
> > But as far as I could see it ment for building rmp.
> > Which are used by the major distrubutions redhat, mandriva and
> > opensuse.
> > This ain't bad, but another topic.
> > This would make the distrubution of a virtual appliance very easy.
> > Which we could make also there.
> > My idea is to first create adebianpackaging (process).
> > Which has the difficultes guidelines.
> > And copy the main structure to opensuse, so we have one and same
> > structure.
> > Change it to there guidelines and get a working process for both.
> > Are there're any volentares for packaging web2py?
> > Regards
> > Mark
> > So we have two biggeste package structures filed in.
> > On 27 mei, 22:24, Mark Breedveld <> wrote:
> > > Well was affraid you would ask that.
> > > And there're two very good reasons why I should not be me.
> > > No expirence
> > > No time at all, full time student with three jobs to pay it.
> > > But since we have here at least three expirenceddebianpackagers.
> > > I'll guess we could arange something there.
> > > But before we run for president:p.
> > > First package one to see what kind of work has to be done.
> > > And to turn that in an endless process.
> > > I was wondering of who has time to package.
> > >Dimostarted to pack to gluon.
> > > But web2py-core and some others stuff mentionat here 
> > > :
> > > And luke, could you invite your friend to this discussion?
> > > So we all can put things together.
> > > After the weekend you here about Novell Suse build.
> > > It seems quite good and i'll think it also is.
> > > I have worked before with virtual machine builder of Novell Suse.
> > > Which is also quite good.
> > > You all here soon of me.
> > > regards Mark Breedveld,

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