they can see request.env.host_name and you can use hostnames like <bla
bla bla>

you can symlink different apps to the same one so you have one but it
will see different request.application depending on the request

On Jun 3, 8:50 am, Doug Warren <> wrote:
> Is there a preferred way to handle multiple instances of the same
> application installed on the same machine?  Say for instance is
> there's 3 dev environments and 2 staging environments on one server
> pointing at different databases?  Is there a preferred way of getting
> the configuration to each unique app?  IE: Can a view/db/controller
> see a parameter placed in either options_std or parameters_PORTNO?  I
> guess what I'm really after is a way to specify at a minimum the
> database that an application can point at but have it contained
> outside the application itself.
> IE:
> foo.w2p is uploaded
> foo.w2p is installed as foo
> foo.w2p is installed as foo-dev
> foo.w2p is installed as foo-dev2
> foo.w2p is installed as foo-stag
> Without having to edit in each of those environments I'd like to
> have a way of saying foo-stag should use this connect string, and have
> it survive the next time I upload a new foo.w2p and overwrite the one
> that's there.

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