On Oct 12, 5:54 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Or we can just take examples app and switch the logo by given args
> something like:http://web2pylogocontest.appspot.com/examples/index?logo=1

Yes, this is a good idea. I think we need to see the logo in the
context of the full page. Even if a logo seems to look good when
viewed in just the header, it may not look so good when contrasted
with the font(s) used for the main site content.

Also, when voting, we should resist the temptation to vote based
solely on what appeals to us personally. Rather, we should consider
what would be broadly appealing to the various target audiences of the
site, which may include (a) experienced Python developers, (b) non-
Python developers considering trying out Python for web development,
(c) web development newbies who are looking for something easy to
learn, (d) managers/business owners/decision makers who have to be
convinced that web2py is a good choice for their website, (e)
educators looking for resources for teaching MVC web development, (f)
users across different countries and cultures, etc. In general, logos
that are clever or cute may be fun for us, but not necessarily the
most appropriate way to communicate the web2py identity to the broader
public (for example, some of these audiences won't necessarily get
"insider" references to snakes).


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