On my todo list....

1) rewrite the plugins app similar to http://web2py.com/layouts
2) allow wizard to download of plugins as it downloads
3) Give the wizard something like the plugin_wiki "widget builder"
that discovers available plugins and allows embedding components in
4) Download semantic web standards for popular ontologies and
automatically populate table fields with parameters of those
ontologies. So, for example, if you need you need to store "books",
the wizard will pick up scaffolding book fields and types from the
semantic web rdf manifest file.

On Oct 23, 10:03 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> I am not sure I fully understand but this is not because of your nice
> explanation. Rather me not being fully awake yet.
> What it does already:
> - The wizard saves the state in <app>/wizard.metadata and if you try
> reopen that app, it will revert to that state, which you can modify
> - The wizard does not read code so any manual change you make will be
> lost UNLESS you create additional models and controller not handled by
> the wizard. They will be ignored and thus preserved.
> What we could add:
> - Versioning. web2py admin already has mercurial integration with web
> based "hg init" and "hg commit". So we could a button to commit every
> time a new wizard app is generated. It would be really nice to a "hg
> revert" interface. It is trivial but not the next thing on the todo
> list.
> I think you also suggest a mechanism for detecting errors in user
> code. Something that checks for missing things. That is hard. I would
> not know how to do it. I do have script that "fix" a layout into a
> web2py layout but they are not very polished.
> Massimo
> On Oct 23, 12:56 am, mart <msenecal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Love the wiZ2py (my daughter coined that one, because she's six and
> > always sounds strange when over-tired and has the giggles  - at least
> > that's what it sounded like).  I do look forward to many more
> > iterations, all as great and fascinating as the next I sure.
> > was thinking... there are so many things that you can be do with the
> > wizard, and I doubt you will be lacking any ideas, but here's mine
> > anyways. I spend a lot of time, or rather often drift off on tangents
> > (that's better), mostly by accident, where, for example, there was an
> > thread on sidebars, something I never tried (yes, I"m still new to web
> > apps)... And I am very certain, that many folks drift off and get lost
> > while exploring web2py as well (just a normal thing I would think with
> > fun and fascinating things)... anyways, the side bars as an example...
> > I tried Massimo's tip, a bit of tweaking, then experimenting, then
> > Jonathan jumped in and mentioned the HTML5 sidebars (great, something
> > more but related to look at and try out), then Bruno posts something
> > he does for his Car Sale app... then, well the night is young...
> > yes, there is a point;) so anyways, for some reason, I found my self
> > on that EZ CSS site, well... need I say more? what a great place when
> > you have a few hours, and feel like trying stuff out! So I did, and as
> > it turns out, I did not massacre everything (aesthetically speaking)
> > although most did turn out to be pretty ugly, admittedly. But that
> > wasn't the point either... the point is: I wouldn't be able to
> > reproduce the steps I took where something did turn out decent enough
> > to look at a second or third time. saving and/or packing the app is
> > often not the best solution, because you can't really retrace your
> > steps there either.... Now the wizard :) Wouldn't be a huge thing
> > (well, I don't think it would) to either make the wizard (or
> > extensions of the wizard) available @ "run time", like perhaps one of
> > those very cool widgets we get to have access to with the widget
> > builder (without having to leave your page to boot!). Oh, and with the
> > built-in "changelog" to keep track (right there is a pretty good
> > match, wizard + changelog, keeping track of the diffs between one
> > click of the wizard to the next).
> > Here's an example: I get to that EZ CSS (fully armed with a brand new
> > app ready to be   I create an app (most likely using the wizard) and I
> > start playing. Miraculously, I do something where my wife does not
> > feel she needs to look at me with shame... ;) I could always at that
> > point save and pack up the app. but then, with the stuff I did, most
> > of them bad (and that's important), it would take me for ever to
> > filter out the good stuff amongst the bad... Would be nice to have the
> > the wizard (or the always accessible wizard plugin (or widget?)
> > available, to come to the rescue, and simply save some settings (all
> > stuff it should be able to see, like those CSS settings - the previous
> > settings may have yielded strange behaviour, but the current settings
> > may have something I like - so click on widget builder, choose wizard
> > (option "make me a template") then at least some good parts would be
> > accessible ti re-use, fix-up, or create another app based on that
> > template) - maybe a little like the "Recipe" app, but with the wizard?
> > I'm thinking something that wouldn't add layouts to my pages (although
> > the layouts are definitely) cool, but rather something that would
> > maybe re-insert those "pure CSS toggle" switched on my spanking new
> > blank page (would they be like "auto-widgets"?)
> > anyways, just thinking out loud about something I, personally, would
> > find useful (a couple of table dedicated to "Mart's custom templates
> > using the Massimo wiZ2py").
> > Thanks for reading and apologies for the lengthy post (again)
> > Mart :)
> > PS, if interested in the feed back, I will be presenting the first rev
> > (prototype quality) of a very unique build system, where the the guy
> > standing in front of the crowed will be none other than WEB2PY (I'm
> > keeping the look of the app "as is", where the word "WEB2PY"and the
> > Logo is predominant (no, not just because I really suck at making
> > things look nice, but mostly because i really do like the green
> > sripes!). I will post relevant feed back, as the front end, the web2by
> > front end, will generate, lots of comments and/or interest - i expect
> > thousands of hist in the first day.
> > On Oct 22, 4:37 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > i would take a patch. :-)
> > > On Oct 22, 1:50 pm, guruyaya <guruy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I think a button with a plus sign, near every table field, is more in
> > > > intuitive, the enter. Don't remove the enter, just add the plus sign
> > > > too.
> > > > If you don't do that, for the very least, explain that adding another
> > > > field is done with enter as well.
> > > > On Oct 22, 10:36 am, dederocks <dediro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Thanks for the fix! works with python 2.7 too :-)!
> > > > > On 21 oct, 19:43, "mr.freeze" <nat...@freezable.com> wrote:
> > > > > > This is very handy. I got an error on step 1 with Python 2.6.  I 
> > > > > > think
> > > > > > line 62 of wizard.py should be:
> > > > > > from gluon.contrib.simplejson import loads
> > > > > > On Oct 21, 7:21 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > > > > > app/wizard.metadata
> > > > > > > it is a pickle
> > > > > > > On Oct 21, 5:40 am, blackthorne <francisco....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > > Back from Egypt and I seem to be looking at something completely
> > > > > > > > new...
> > > > > > > > new website, new wizard thing, great work!
> > > > > > > > I became curious about this.
> > > > > > > > Does this wizard keep a record in some language such as YAML?
> > > > > > > > It would be nice so that you could share one simple text file 
> > > > > > > > with the
> > > > > > > > pure application definition, useful for debugging in groups 
> > > > > > > > like this,
> > > > > > > > useful to share apps or to generate other wizards by simply 
> > > > > > > > defining
> > > > > > > > in YAML the fields and the prepopulated values..
> > > > > > > > Best regards
> > > > > > > > On Oct 21, 6:55 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > > > > > > >http://vimeo.com/16048970
> > > > > > > > > Now I am going to sleep a few ours....

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