The wizard data is already attached to the session. You can go back
and forth to the wizard and unless you got o page zero it remembers
its state.

When you "generate" is saves the state in a pickle within the newly
created app.

If you open the wizard again on the app, it reverts to that state.

On Oct 23, 4:51 pm, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote:
> Why not attach the wizard data to the session?
> --
> Thadeus
> On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 1:11 PM, mart <> wrote:
> > Hi Massimo,
> > Yeah,  I guess it was kid of late... I'll try again, in shorter
> > version (or at least in less badly organized thoughts):
> > * great wizard. options are huge as to where it can lead.
> > * Would be great if we could store/save the data we set in the wizard
> > in a user_wiz_templates_GENERIC.table (this ones contains the inputted
> > information on wizard first use, for later retrieval - if I am not
> > wrong, your wizard will grow over time in its offerings (already,
> > after less than a week, we can define table tables, maybe next you
> > will have another drop to link that data to an existing apps DB". So
> > already there is worthiness in having the option of keeping this
> > "template" around.
> > *You (and others too) hold some mighty cool knowledge where people (me
> > included) can ask just about anything under the sun and where you
> > would reply in a matter of minutes with something like "put THIS in
> > the view and THAT in the controller" -> this being blank slate for a
> > sidebar for example. Well, maybe we can have the option of storing
> > some of this great stuff in one of the wizard tables? I.e. going
> > through the wizard.... "yes, I think I would like left and right side
> > bars", so I use a drop down (or a check box, or maybe the wizard will
> > include some drag&drop jquery features so folks could simply drag the
> > "sidebar component" on some sort of design/layout canvas? See what i
> > am getting at? A little bit like the widget builder, but at "wizard
> > time" and mostly for layout purposes...
> > perhaps, the wizard could have some  EZ CSS snippets (blanks slates)
> > that we can choose, and made available on *save*?
> > I got this because when I tried out the ozard, my broswer had lot of
> > tables open, one being an open instance of the wizard. Since I had
> > closed the wrong tab and lost my template, I used the open instance,
> > clicked on *reset*,and started over (so i thought). I started by the
> > first input box (obviously), then all of a sudden, all the data I had
> > inputted earlier filled the wizard form! So, i thought "great! we can
> > save to templates!" - but was really just saved in memory. Would be
> > nice to save them in a table.
> > Thanks again,
> > mart :)
> > On Oct 23, 11:03 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > I am not sure I fully understand but this is not because of your nice
> > > explanation. Rather me not being fully awake yet.
> > > What it does already:
> > > - The wizard saves the state in <app>/wizard.metadata and if you try
> > > reopen that app, it will revert to that state, which you can modify
> > > - The wizard does not read code so any manual change you make will be
> > > lost UNLESS you create additional models and controller not handled by
> > > the wizard. They will be ignored and thus preserved.
> > > What we could add:
> > > - Versioning. web2py admin already has mercurial integration with web
> > > based "hg init" and "hg commit". So we could a button to commit every
> > > time a new wizard app is generated. It would be really nice to a "hg
> > > revert" interface. It is trivial but not the next thing on the todo
> > > list.
> > > I think you also suggest a mechanism for detecting errors in user
> > > code. Something that checks for missing things. That is hard. I would
> > > not know how to do it. I do have script that "fix" a layout into a
> > > web2py layout but they are not very polished.
> > > Massimo
> > > On Oct 23, 12:56 am, mart <> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Love the wiZ2py (my daughter coined that one, because she's six and
> > > > always sounds strange when over-tired and has the giggles  - at least
> > > > that's what it sounded like).  I do look forward to many more
> > > > iterations, all as great and fascinating as the next I sure.
> > > > was thinking... there are so many things that you can be do with the
> > > > wizard, and I doubt you will be lacking any ideas, but here's mine
> > > > anyways. I spend a lot of time, or rather often drift off on tangents
> > > > (that's better), mostly by accident, where, for example, there was an
> > > > thread on sidebars, something I never tried (yes, I"m still new to web
> > > > apps)... And I am very certain, that many folks drift off and get lost
> > > > while exploring web2py as well (just a normal thing I would think with
> > > > fun and fascinating things)... anyways, the side bars as an example...
> > > > I tried Massimo's tip, a bit of tweaking, then experimenting, then
> > > > Jonathan jumped in and mentioned the HTML5 sidebars (great, something
> > > > more but related to look at and try out), then Bruno posts something
> > > > he does for his Car Sale app... then, well the night is young...
> > > > yes, there is a point;) so anyways, for some reason, I found my self
> > > > on that EZ CSS site, well... need I say more? what a great place when
> > > > you have a few hours, and feel like trying stuff out! So I did, and as
> > > > it turns out, I did not massacre everything (aesthetically speaking)
> > > > although most did turn out to be pretty ugly, admittedly. But that
> > > > wasn't the point either... the point is: I wouldn't be able to
> > > > reproduce the steps I took where something did turn out decent enough
> > > > to look at a second or third time. saving and/or packing the app is
> > > > often not the best solution, because you can't really retrace your
> > > > steps there either.... Now the wizard :) Wouldn't be a huge thing
> > > > (well, I don't think it would) to either make the wizard (or
> > > > extensions of the wizard) available @ "run time", like perhaps one of
> > > > those very cool widgets we get to have access to with the widget
> > > > builder (without having to leave your page to boot!). Oh, and with the
> > > > built-in "changelog" to keep track (right there is a pretty good
> > > > match, wizard + changelog, keeping track of the diffs between one
> > > > click of the wizard to the next).
> > > > Here's an example: I get to that EZ CSS (fully armed with a brand new
> > > > app ready to be   I create an app (most likely using the wizard) and I
> > > > start playing. Miraculously, I do something where my wife does not
> > > > feel she needs to look at me with shame... ;) I could always at that
> > > > point save and pack up the app. but then, with the stuff I did, most
> > > > of them bad (and that's important), it would take me for ever to
> > > > filter out the good stuff amongst the bad... Would be nice to have the
> > > > the wizard (or the always accessible wizard plugin (or widget?)
> > > > available, to come to the rescue, and simply save some settings (all
> > > > stuff it should be able to see, like those CSS settings - the previous
> > > > settings may have yielded strange behaviour, but the current settings
> > > > may have something I like - so click on widget builder, choose wizard
> > > > (option "make me a template") then at least some good parts would be
> > > > accessible ti re-use, fix-up, or create another app based on that
> > > > template) - maybe a little like the "Recipe" app, but with the wizard?
> > > > I'm thinking something that wouldn't add layouts to my pages (although
> > > > the layouts are definitely) cool, but rather something that would
> > > > maybe re-insert those "pure CSS toggle" switched on my spanking new
> > > > blank page (would they be like "auto-widgets"?)
> > > > anyways, just thinking out loud about something I, personally, would
> > > > find useful (a couple of table dedicated to "Mart's custom templates
> > > > using the Massimo wiZ2py").
> > > > Thanks for reading and apologies for the lengthy post (again)
> > > > Mart :)
> > > > PS, if interested in the feed back, I will be presenting the first rev
> > > > (prototype quality) of a very unique build system, where the the guy
> > > > standing in front of the crowed will be none other than WEB2PY (I'm
> > > > keeping the look of the app "as is", where the word "WEB2PY"and the
> > > > Logo is predominant (no, not just because I really suck at making
> > > > things look nice, but mostly because i really do like the green
> > > > sripes!). I will post relevant feed back, as the front end, the web2by
> > > > front end, will generate, lots of comments and/or interest - i expect
> > > > thousands of hist in the first day.
> > > > On Oct 22, 4:37 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > > i would take a patch. :-)
> > > > > On Oct 22, 1:50 pm, guruyaya <> wrote:
> > > > > > I think a button with a plus sign, near every table field, is more
> > in
> > > > > > intuitive, the enter. Don't remove the enter, just add the plus
> > sign
> > > > > > too.
> > > > > > If you don't do that, for the very least, explain that adding
> > another
> > > > > > field is done with enter as well.
> > > > > > On Oct 22, 10:36 am, dederocks <> wrote:
> > > > > > > Thanks for the fix! works with python 2.7 too :-)!
> > > > > > > On 21 oct, 19:43, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > This is very handy. I got an error on step 1 with Python 2.6.
> >  I think
> > > > > > > > line 62 of should be:
> > > > > > > > from gluon.contrib.simplejson import loads
> > > > > > > > On Oct 21, 7:21 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > app/wizard.metadata
> > > > > > > > > it is a pickle
> > > > > > > > > On Oct 21, 5:40 am, blackthorne <>
> > wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > Back from Egypt and I seem to be looking at something
> > completely
> > > > > > > > > > new...
> > > > > > > > > > new website, new wizard thing, great work!
> > > > > > > > > > I became curious about this.
> > > > > > > > > > Does this wizard keep a record in some language such as
> > YAML?
> > > > > > > > > > It would be nice so that you could share one simple text
> > file with the
> > > > > > > > > > pure application definition, useful for debugging in groups
> > like this,
> ...
> read more »

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