> > Branko, Did you proposed a logo for web2py main site too ?
> > You did an excelent work with this one, if we have a second round to
> submit
> > and vote for logos, you would send your ideas.
> Well, no I haven't proposed a logo for web2py. I wasn't aware of
> web2py until very recently, and then I just noted a change in the main
> website design. :) If a new logo is needed at any time, I will be
> delighted to propose one.

Branko, I dont know if people are thinking about a Second round on logo
votation http://www.blouweb.com/logovote/default/index?order=id
, but even without tha votation, I think it is a good idea for you to
propose a new logo.

- Logo should have no snakes
- Logo should not be childish/fun
- Better more letters than images
- Should blend with the website color scheme
- Should be good on every background or printing

If you propose a nice logo, I think it can be considered, even if not for
mainsite, but for ther related projects or welcome app.

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