in this page

too much space used above the edit area, intead having 'save' and 'versions'
below, this could be aside, or within a toggle/accordion space. space
matters when editing files in admin.

2010/11/4 mdipierro <>

> Here is the latest work by Branko (with minor edits by me):
> (also in trunk)
> This is the older one
> My edits are:
> 1) I have made all edit buttons orange
> 2) links files and no longer buttons (consistently with original
> version)
> 3) changed order from [file,edit,delete] to [edit,delete,file] since
> alignment is cleaner
> 4) moved all green links to right
> - I would prefer no shadow under icons.
> - Text like "No models" under design does not appear aligned properly.
> I really like this new admin.


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