Can you please run these tests for me?

cd into the gluon folder and run python from there (or vice versa).
>From the python shell run

from contenttype import contenttype
from storage import Storage, StorageList, Settings, Messages
from validators import *
from html import *
from sqlhtml import *
from http import *
from utils import web2py_uuid

import base64
import cPickle
import datetime
import thread
import logging
import sys
import os
import re
import time
import smtplib
import urllib
import urllib2
import Cookie

from email import *

import serializers
import contrib.simplejson as simplejson
from sql import Field

logger = logging.getLogger("web2py")

When do you get the MemoryError?

On Nov 8, 9:46 pm, mindsynch <> wrote:
> I just tried to import Mail, Auth, Crud, and Service separately, but
> each time they gave a MemoryError exception. hmmm interesting!
> On Nov 8, 9:08 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > admin should no longer import MARKDOWN but MARKMIN and this will fix
> > that problem. Can you try from import Mail, Auth,Crud,
> > Service, separately and see what it fails?
> > Massimo
> > On Nov 8, 7:14 pm, mindsynch <> wrote:
> > > I got this basically working with the following setup:
> > > web2py source, Version 1.88.2
> > > 
> > > from
> > >WindowsMobile 5
> > > web2py starts up ok (logger complains about not finding a handle for
> > > "web2py")
> > > I can get a sqllite 3 database running, define tables, insert and
> > > select, html is rendered, etc.
> > > There are 2 places where I'm getting a MemoryError exception. The
> > > first is when running 'from import *' in
> > > The second is when an error ticket is generated: clicking on it
> > > generates another error ticket in the admin package when it tries to
> > > run 'from markdown2 import *' in the file '\\web2py_src\\gluon\\contrib
> > > \\markdown\\'

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