Simply great! +1


2010/11/11 mdipierro <>:
> This is important. Please read!
> These days I am getting a lot of private requests from people/
> businesses who need consulting development jobs in web2py. This is
> more than can I can handle. I need to keep track who is available and
> who is capable so that I can refer those jobs to them.
> Long ago we had discussions on the list about giving a more
> professional facade to the group (at least some part of the group) so
> that members could bid for larger contracts as if we were a business.
> If you think about IBM it is not more than a collection of
> consultants, exactly as are we. The difference is that in their case
> the shareholders take a cut of the revenues of the consultants and
> they have a legal status. We do not.
> One proposed solution was to create a professional organization. We
> discussed options.
> I came up with this:
>    ------------------
>    ------------------
> I registered experts4solutions as an LLC to shield myself from
> liability and give it a more professional legal status.
> If you have contributed to web2py or have created a public web2py
> application you are invited to join. By joining you are saying you are
> willing to work on paid web2py projects and have your work reviewed
> (by me and other members).
> I will initially review and approve applications until we have a solid
> core of members who can help draft better rules, improve the page,
> offer more services.
> The more members the more strict the admission rules will be since
> they will be revised.
> Let's be clear on this... there is no cost of joining and it does not
> take any cut in your revenues when you are contacted directly by a
> client. experts4solutions will provide additional optional services
> also provided by me and other members. For example you may want to
> take a contract but you or your client may wants to purchase code
> review, and/or a long time support contract, and/or something you
> cannot provide as an individual but we may be able to provide as a
> group. You can be listed even if you have a company (actually it is
> better if you have one and your company name will be listed too).
> Eventually this may replace:
> The point of this is that I am impressed by the expertise I find on
> this list. Some of the skills you have are hard to find. I want to
> help you capitalize on it.
> I love working with you guys. web2py is what today keeps us together
> but web2py is a tool and one day (2100?) it will be replaced by a
> better one. Yet there is a value in our group and perhaps it may
> outlive web2py.
> experts4solutions is not a discussion group and will not affect this
> mailing list.
> Massimo

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