Here are my comments on the Guidelines page. Some of these are
duplicates with other peoples' comments - but what the heck. ---> is
my suggestion

...Our choice of technologies is motivated but a belief in Rapid
Application Development(RAD)

...application. The occurrence of faled prototypes

... A system analyst should be endowed with decision
      ----->systems            --->granted

... It may compromise on aestetic issues and

... evelopment, but, it is not as an
                   -->remove comma

... executing the full project project.
                              ------->remove repeated 'project'.

... we dare to say so and start again.
                                  ----> add 'or withdraw from the

... The business model behind FOSS is that
                              ---> define FOSS

Use Open Standards and Interoprability

... by the Europen Union in its European Interoperability Framework:
        ---->add a link to the standard?

Use Industry Standard Tehcnologies

... and it plays a singificantrole in the
                   --->significant role

... therefore less wise-spread. This gives us an hedge vs our
                   --->widespread                --->edge over our

... Portability is crytical to maximize

... We build software is portable and can un efficienly on most
computing Clouds.
                     --->add 'that'       --->run

... optimization may be specific of each individual cloud

A more general point: There's no mention of Agile approaches - surely
we need to include that?

Question: Do you register an interest by using the 'Contact Us' page?
It's not clear, I'm afraid. I'm interested!

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