A bit off topic question -
I am currently happily employed and developing web2py based open
source applications, but when this changes I might want to have a foot
in the door for finding a job hacking web2py apps.
Should i register at experts4solutions and state that I am currently
not interested in jobs or should I register when I really have the
need for it?

On Nov 18, 3:34 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> humm, I just figure out that I have to click in 'no' to toggle it to yes!
> not so clear.
> 2010/11/18 Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com>
> > Endorsement has only 'no' option?
> > You endorse: no <http://experts4solutions.com/e4s/default/expert/8#> (your
> > your/no endorsement is confidential)
> > Where can I endorse someone?
> > 2010/11/18 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
> > I have implemented an endorsement mechanism. Existing members can see
> >> and endorse new applicants. New applications should contact existing
> >> members by email and request an endorsement.
> >> 5 endorsements qualify for acceptance as an expert. Endorsements can
> >> be withdrawn. Endorsements are confidential. I can override this and I
> >> will for known web2py contributors.
> >> You apply by simply logging in into the system.
> >> I am happy to say that at least 3 members of the group have already
> >> been contacted with job offers.
> >> Please DO NOT ENDORSE users who did not post a decent picture or
> >> profile, even if you know they are good web2py programmers.
> >> If you have already been approved because you are a web2py contributor
> >> but you have posted no picture, a scary picture (yes you!), or no
> >> profile, please correct it.
> >> Everybody can register a new affiliated company, a new project and/or
> >> a new skill. But they I will have to approve them. I do not want to
> >> make the list of skills too long. Projects must be based on web2py,
> >> tested and deployed. Companies but say in the web site that they
> >> provide web2py support (although not exclusively).
> >> Massimo
> > --
> > Bruno Rocha
> >http://about.me/rochacbruno/bio
> --
> Bruno Rochahttp://about.me/rochacbruno/bio

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