I´m too happily employed but doing some web2py development on my spare time. You never know when a big,perfect job comes looking for you. If your not on the list it might go to somebody else.


A bit off topic question -
I am currently happily employed and developing web2py based open
source applications, but when this changes I might want to have a foot
in the door for finding a job hacking web2py apps.
Should i register at experts4solutions and state that I am currently
not interested in jobs or should I register when I really have the
need for it?

On Nov 18, 3:34 pm, Bruno Rocha<rochacbr...@gmail.com>  wrote:
humm, I just figure out that I have to click in 'no' to toggle it to yes!

not so clear.

2010/11/18 Bruno Rocha<rochacbr...@gmail.com>

Endorsement has only 'no' option?
You endorse: no<http://experts4solutions.com/e4s/default/expert/8#>  (your
your/no endorsement is confidential)
Where can I endorse someone?
2010/11/18 mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
I have implemented an endorsement mechanism. Existing members can see
and endorse new applicants. New applications should contact existing
members by email and request an endorsement.
5 endorsements qualify for acceptance as an expert. Endorsements can
be withdrawn. Endorsements are confidential. I can override this and I
will for known web2py contributors.
You apply by simply logging in into the system.
I am happy to say that at least 3 members of the group have already
been contacted with job offers.
Please DO NOT ENDORSE users who did not post a decent picture or
profile, even if you know they are good web2py programmers.
If you have already been approved because you are a web2py contributor
but you have posted no picture, a scary picture (yes you!), or no
profile, please correct it.
Everybody can register a new affiliated company, a new project and/or
a new skill. But they I will have to approve them. I do not want to
make the list of skills too long. Projects must be based on web2py,
tested and deployed. Companies but say in the web site that they
provide web2py support (although not exclusively).
Bruno Rocha

Bruno Rochahttp://about.me/rochacbruno/bio

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