Thank you Jonathan,

that solved the upgrade problem.

Problem was that I did the 'chown -R apache:web2py *' command in the web2py directory but that doesn't include the directory itself. So when Apache tried to download the new version of web2py it could not write it to harddisk. Sorry for this beginners mistake.

But the problem with creating a new application stays.


On Nov 18, 2010, at 7:03 AM, Kenneth Lundström wrote:
OK, I have no idea if they are related, it was just a thought on my part.
Kenneth, in gluon/ you'll find this code:

      full_url = url + '/examples/static/' % version_type
      filename = abspath('' % version_type)
          file = open(filename,'wb')
      except Exception,e:
          return False, e
          unzip(filename, destination, subfolder)

Try removing the second file.close() (the one after 'except'), and then try the 
upgrade again. It won't fix the upgrade, but you should see a more helpful 
error message saying why the file open failed.


Thanks Kenneth,

the traceback you posted applies to the second problem and I
understand that. I am scratching my head on why that traceback would
also apply to the first problem.


On Nov 18, 7:09 am, Kenneth Lundström<>
- unpacked the source package
- did a chown apache:web2py on all files
- login in to admin
- write the name of the new application and press create
- get the unable to create application "test"

Upgrade problem, the same, but
- select upgrade
- press YES
- get the error ticket

I don t know what else to write.


I see the problem but I do not understand why you have it. This should
manifest itself when you upgrade, not when you create a new app. Can
you list steps to reproduce the problem?
I am close to fixing it...
On Nov 17, 3:31 pm, Kenneth Lundstr m<>
I tried to upgrade version 1.89.1 to 1.89.3. I got the following error.
I m running Linux, Apache and mod_wsgi. Is this too an file permission
problem. I still can t create a new application with admin. Don t know
where to start looking for the problem.
web2py Version 1.89.1 (2010-11-12 15:14:36)
Python Python 2.6.5: /usr/bin/python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/domains/web2py/gluon/", line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/data/domains/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/",
line 1146, in<module>
File "/data/domains/web2py/gluon/", line 96, in<lambda>
self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "/data/domains/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/",
line 200, in upgrade_web2py
(success, error) = upgrade(request)
File "/data/domains/web2py/gluon/", line 427, in upgrade
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'file' referenced before assignment
Error snapshot help Detailed traceback description
<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>(local variable 'file' referenced
before assignment)

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