Now I finally found the problem. It looks like welcome.w2p is missing from the source package.

When I copied a welcome.w2p to my web2py root directory I can create applications.


On Nov 18, 2010, at 7:03 AM, Kenneth Lundström wrote:
OK, I have no idea if they are related, it was just a thought on my part.
Kenneth, in gluon/ you'll find this code:

      full_url = url + '/examples/static/' % version_type
      filename = abspath('' % version_type)
          file = open(filename,'wb')
      except Exception,e:
          return False, e
          unzip(filename, destination, subfolder)

Try removing the second file.close() (the one after 'except'), and then try the 
upgrade again. It won't fix the upgrade, but you should see a more helpful 
error message saying why the file open failed.


Thanks Kenneth,

the traceback you posted applies to the second problem and I
understand that. I am scratching my head on why that traceback would
also apply to the first problem.


On Nov 18, 7:09 am, Kenneth Lundström<>
- unpacked the source package
- did a chown apache:web2py on all files
- login in to admin
- write the name of the new application and press create
- get the unable to create application "test"

Upgrade problem, the same, but
- select upgrade
- press YES
- get the error ticket

I don t know what else to write.


I see the problem but I do not understand why you have it. This should
manifest itself when you upgrade, not when you create a new app. Can
you list steps to reproduce the problem?
I am close to fixing it...
On Nov 17, 3:31 pm, Kenneth Lundstr m<>
I tried to upgrade version 1.89.1 to 1.89.3. I got the following error.
I m running Linux, Apache and mod_wsgi. Is this too an file permission
problem. I still can t create a new application with admin. Don t know
where to start looking for the problem.
web2py Version 1.89.1 (2010-11-12 15:14:36)
Python Python 2.6.5: /usr/bin/python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/domains/web2py/gluon/", line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/data/domains/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/",
line 1146, in<module>
File "/data/domains/web2py/gluon/", line 96, in<lambda>
self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "/data/domains/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/",
line 200, in upgrade_web2py
(success, error) = upgrade(request)
File "/data/domains/web2py/gluon/", line 427, in upgrade
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'file' referenced before assignment
Error snapshot help Detailed traceback description
<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>(local variable 'file' referenced
before assignment)

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