Is VoltDB supported?

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On Dec 7, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:

> MongoHQ can be useful for testing, they offer a free limited instance
> 2010/12/7 mdipierro <>
> I run some benchmarks. The time to do insert and select is the same.
> The difference it no measurable because dominated by db IO. Anyway the
> code is below and the output is:
> old dal:
> 7.98740386963e-05 (sec)
> 0.00134269499779
> new dal:
> 8.04572105408e-05
> 0.00139242005348
> Notice all the time is in the IO. The time to actually parse the
> complex query is negligible.
> code:
> import os
> os.system('rm *.sqlite test* *.table sql.log')
> #from dal import
> *
> from sql_old import *
> db=DAL('sqlite://test.sqlite')
> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
> db(db.person).delete()
> db.commit()
> import time
> def t(f,n=1000):
>    t0=time.time()
>    for i in range(n): f()
>    return (time.time()-t0)/n
> def a():
>    db.person.insert(name='max')
> def b():
>    db(('max')&('max
> %'))&('m'))).select(limitby=(0,20))
> print t(a)
> print t(b)
> -- 
> Bruno Rocha

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