We can change the name. It is not truly a nigthly built. it is closer
to a release candidate even if the final release is not equivalent to
the latest nightly built.

On Dec 22, 1:31 pm, Branko Vukelić <stu...@brankovukelic.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 8:29 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > The idea was to have stable and nightly-build. The problem is that
> > very few people check the nightly build.
> Well, yeah, it's because it's sounds like a nightly TRUNK dump. :)
> It's better to make a 'incubation release' or something like that, so
> it's obvious that it's a release. And when it's hatched, you can label
> it safe-for-production. I don't know if people would use them, though.
> They might still go yuck and decide it's just like nightly, with a
> fancy name. :D
> --
> Branko Vukelic
> stu...@brankovukelic.comhttp://www.brankovukelic.com/

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