On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:40 PM, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Part of the value of a framework is being able to count on its stability.
> For now, we can upgrade more slowly and pay attention to stability reports
> of new releases.

Yes, yes. Sit around and wait. For what reports again? Based on what
bug reports again? Everyone was sitting and waiting for Massimo to
actually label it as stable release. How wonderful. I'm sure that's
the BEST strategy to ensure web2py is bug free in future releases. Oh,
and what happens if Massimo's stable release turns out to be not that
stable after all? Well, this thread happens.

Last I've heard, Massimo was a single person. I don't know if he can
multiply like amoebae, but I'm sure it'd help if we all just dug into
release candidates or even trunk and _at least_ poked around. Even
better, why not deploy your latest awesome project on the new release
and give it a spin?

All in all, some of you guys are just... I dunno. Irrational. (Or
retarded, but I hope not.) You take far too many things for granted.
FAR too many things. And you fight any notion that doesn't match that
vision. So you don't see the beauty of free software, fine. But what's
this?! Even free as in beer isn't enough for you! You want it ALL. And
what IS the 'all'? Even you don't know. I'll tell you what you want.
You want open-source projects to submit to YOUR selfish and
self-centered vision. Instead of talking about contribution (of your
valuable time to the project that SAVES your valuable time), you
demand, and demand, and demand.

You keep babbling about your selfish needs, not even considering that
there are actual people who have THEIR OWN needs and yet make time to
listen to you, and implement shit in record time. And again, it has to
be said, that saves you your valuable time. Is that not enough for
you? Doesn't that make you happy? Is that ENOUGH?

Well, you know what. You should all be ashamed. You have absolutely NO
RIGHT to demand anything from Massimo or any other contributor. And
don't tell me about how you love web2py but you just wanted X or Y.
You OWE web2py X and Y, so if you want it, just do it yourself. YOU
label releases as stable, and YOU implement stuff. If Massimo does
that for you, it's a BIG FAT favor, and you should keep that in mind.

Branko Vukelic


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