On Dec 23, 3:44 am, Branko Vukelić <stu...@brankovukelic.com> wrote:
> Or am I missing something?
> In the summary, also no mention of Django or Flask.

My comment is not just about that specific thread of discussion, but
about a general PR strategy of web2py.   My suggestion to Massimo
still stands.   Forget about Flask and Django !!!  Don't talk about
them at all.  None. Nothing.

People who think that Django/Flask are superior to web2py, and/or
web2py is deeply flawed, aren't changing their minds.  There's no
point to debate, justify, etc.

I do not see much benefit for web2py when Massimo discusses Django/
Flask.   On the other hand, the (serious) newbies will get lost in hot
exchanges between the web2py folks and the Django/Flask folks.
Occasionally, this dude Armin will come around the proclaim web2py to
be the worst thing there is.  And my suggestion to Massimo is that he
will have to live with that, and instead of spending energy to justify
him, turn that energy into making web2py to be a great platform.

Specifically, to attract newbies, I would recommend making Chapter 3
of the book to be better than it currently is.   Right now, it's very
good.  But I think there are places that can be improved.  This
chapter is where web2py can be/should be showcased to attract the
newbies.   This comes from my experience when I first learned about

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