Maybe we should keep a comparison just on  Pay attention
to framework lists around and putting a sane description there.
It is useless and even counterproductive starting flame wars in
threaded discussions.  It is more importante that googlers find web2py
they search a good framework to work with.

2010/12/24 JmiXIII <>:
> Just to give a pleased newbie feed-back :
> _I'm newbie to web2py (well a couple of month)
> _I've never studied informatics nor did I have an informatic job
> BUT I needed something to handle database easely + human interface +
> network for my job
> I tried a crack access => beurk => begin to learn python
> I tried Zope/Plone => too heavy
> I tried Django => not enough efficient for what I wanted
> I've seen some comparaison made by Massimo between Django and web2py
> 'do not remember the url)
> AND This is these comparisons which decided me to try web2py
> I'm very pleased because it is so efficient
> you are right VP , it's a waste of time to fuel the fire. But a short
> comparison would help newbies to make their choice and choose to try
> web2py. Yet I'm speaking of comparison showing the efficientness of
> web2py not long long debates/war.
> On 23 déc, 23:51, VP <> wrote:
>> On Dec 23, 3:44 am, Branko Vukelić <> wrote:
>> > Or am I missing something?
>> > In the summary, also no mention of Django or Flask.
>> My comment is not just about that specific thread of discussion, but
>> about a general PR strategy of web2py.   My suggestion to Massimo
>> still stands.   Forget about Flask and Django !!!  Don't talk about
>> them at all.  None. Nothing.
>> People who think that Django/Flask are superior to web2py, and/or
>> web2py is deeply flawed, aren't changing their minds.  There's no
>> point to debate, justify, etc.
>> I do not see much benefit for web2py when Massimo discusses Django/
>> Flask.   On the other hand, the (serious) newbies will get lost in hot
>> exchanges between the web2py folks and the Django/Flask folks.
>> Occasionally, this dude Armin will come around the proclaim web2py to
>> be the worst thing there is.  And my suggestion to Massimo is that he
>> will have to live with that, and instead of spending energy to justify
>> him, turn that energy into making web2py to be a great platform.
>> Specifically, to attract newbies, I would recommend making Chapter 3
>> of the book to be better than it currently is.   Right now, it's very
>> good.  But I think there are places that can be improved.  This
>> chapter is where web2py can be/should be showcased to attract the
>> newbies.   This comes from my experience when I first learned about
>> web2py.

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