On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 09:20:02AM -0800, Jonathan Lundell spake:
> Is there a trick to getting web2py to run locally with the GAE Launcher? (OS 
> I'm playing with the stock stable release. It works fine when deployed, but 
> not locally (immediate ticket, and I don't know how to find the ticket).

web2py tickets are generated as datastore objects. You won't be able to search 
the datastore for objects until it's been seeded (which just means that 
something has to be there before you can search for it). To view the tickets go 
to: http://localhost:[port]/_ah/admin/datastore

there you will see a dropdown list for "Entity Kind" select the one labeled 
web2py_ticket_[appname] then click 'list entries'. These are your tickets

I hope that helps

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