On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:58 AM, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 17 February 2011 08:02, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Feb 16, 2011, at 9:49 PM, cjrh wrote:
> >
> > On Feb 16, 11:38 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> >> [I'm reposting this message from a while back, because the new release 
> >> 1.92.1 contains it for the first time. It describes some simple use cases 
> >> for the new URL router. Note that there are still some things that you'll 
> >> need the existing regex-based router for, but for most cases the new one 
> >> should work and be easier to configure.]
> >
> > May I add this text to the book, now that the router is in the latest
> > stable release version?    I don't want to step on your toes, if you
> > were planning to do this yourself soon anyway, then that's fine too.
> Please do. Take a look at router.example.py as well; there's at least one new 
> feature there (path_prefix). I can review the material any time you're ready.
> I am afraid router.example.py did not help me a lot.
> What is unclear to me is how to use root_static.  The documetation says:
> #  root_static: list of static files accessed from root
> #       (mapped to the current application's static/ directory)
> #       Each application has its own root-static files.
> The example did not show any reference to an application.
> So do I have to list all the  files all the applications will user from 
> 'static' in the same list?

No, this is a special case for favicon.ico and robots.txt

By "root_static" (which I agree is a little confusing), we mean static files 
like favicon.ico that are always accessed in the server root. This is simply a 
list of those files (and the default list should normally be all you need) that 
tells web2py which application's static directory to fetch the files from.

> I have two applications and at the moment have the following:
>    # base router                                                              
>     BASE = dict(                                                              
>         default_application = 'kb',                                           
>         domains = {                                                           
>                  'kbase.sun.ac.za' : 'kb',                                    
>                 'kbase' : 'kb',                                               
>                 'sadcpublications.sun.ac.za' : 'sadec'                        
>                 },                                                            
>         applications = ['kb', 'sadec'],
>         controllers = 'DEFAULT'                                               
>     ),                                       
> Both sadec and  kb makes use of a front page image:
> in sadec/static for sadec
> and in
> kb/static/images for kb
> While sadec shows the image kb can't find it.
> I have used autoroutes before but that breaks jqgrid.  Now with this jqgrid 
> seems to work. 
> If I can just solve the problem of <app>/static/images it will help - that is 
> until I discover something else routes.py has broken... 

What are the actual URLs for the images in question? As they appear in the page 
source at the browser, I mean.

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