
Reddit is clearly an informal place to promote new things. This
includes some jokes and banter and Massimo and av200101 have a polite
and informative style which always tends to be objective.

We can of course all choose our words more carefully, but the ambience
on Reddit seems more like a bar rather than a boardroom.

As far as I know, the video is actually titled:
"Building a minimalist Facebook clone and deploying it on Google App

You are really saying that is provocative?! Please explain and suggest
a less provocative title. Perhaps something like 'Programming video -
please don't get upset or anything' might be better.

You say that the Reddit posts "leave such a bad impression
everywhere".  That just seems plain wrong to me!  The posts that I
have seen are interesting and polite and I think the av200101 guy is

On Mar 22, 5:27 am, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Massimo, sorry to say but I think your posting style invites the unwanted
> attention (av201001, too). I'm a Web2py supporter but I think they are
> right, we don't play well in the discussions. Posting a video under the
> title "Facebook clone in 11 minutes" is unnecessarily provocative. Joking
> about others hijacking the thread is passive-aggressive. As is following
> every Flask/Django/etc comment with "but I like Flask/Django/etc". And
> hijacking threads, which we clearly do, and saying we don't is really bad
> style (regardless if other people do it).
> I think we could use a little grace in our interactions with the
> communities. Web2py is too good to leave such a bad impression everywhere.
> I also think we overstate the benefits of not having to write much code. It
> doesn't really matter what can be written with a little code, it matters
> what can be written with a lot of code. Same with "write once, run
> anywhere". Most deploy to one  platform. These are nice features, but not
> worth getting into arguments over.

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