I believe the 'high road' comment would be better directed towards
those making unreasonable, false statements.

In the heat of the moment,  Massimo did concede that it 'bothers'
him.  Such 'outbursts' are rather uncharacteristic, so we can assume
he was somewhat displeased.  Can we allow that without too much nit-
picking? I hope so.

On Mar 22, 6:28 pm, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Except that you have to be careful when you accuse people of making false
> statements. For example, pointing out that templates usually aren't python
> modules either is missing the point.
> Also, on #3, just take the high road. Pointing out that other people
> supposedly do the same bad behavior is not going to go very far.

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