If you use the --no-site-packages options then you will need to
install PIL to your virtual environment(s). Make sure to make sure the
environment is made "active" using 'workon' (if you are using the
virtualenvwrappers script) or that you specify the virtual
environemnts version of pip (or other installer). For example you
would run:

../webdev/python-environments/python25_virtualenv/bin/pip install PIL

As far as fabric installers I have started one here:


It does a lot of stuff, (perhaps too much?) including customizing your
shell startup file to use virtualenvwrapper so before you run it you
may want to back yours (it will attempt to configure the startup file
specified in the dev (development) function).

It works but it setup for developing Voice of Access projects. Some of
the code is unfinished or unused but the overall structure is good.
YOu could probably simplify it a lot if you wished to.

If you want to try it out you will want to clone it to a containing
project directory and place your fabfile.py and repo.py in the
directory above the clone directory. For example

mkdir my_project
cd my_project
hg clone https://voa-deploy.googlecode.com/hg/ voa_deploy #notice
underscore not hyphen!
cp ./voa_deploy/EXAMPLE-fabfile.py fabfile.py
cp ./voa_deploy/EXAMPLE-repos.py repos.py

Now edit fabfile.py options for host, user, password and project name
in the dev function.

You should now be able to test functionality. When you are ready to
use it for your own project(s) you can customize the project name
again in fabfile.py and customize repos.py.

I would recommend testing it a bit before jumping in and customizing

Try the suggested command sequences in the docstring / comment section
at the top of fabfile.py and walk through them to get a handle on

I will update the projects documentation with answers to any questions
people have.

Have fun,


Voice of Access

On Mar 25, 10:57 am, johntynan <jgty...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just rebuilt my current work with web2py on a new laptop (running
> ubuntu 10.10).
> Since google app engine's dev server requires python 2.5, I used the
> following command to install python2.5 within my virtualenv:
> virtualenv --python=python2.5 --no-site-packages python25_virtualenv
> However, I am running into issues installing PIL for python25 as well
> as an issue where I am getting an error with gaehandler.py where it is
> not finding the pickle module:
> ImportError: No module named pickle
> I would be interested in getting familiar with using fabric to
> automate my installs.  I have pasted a copy of the steps that I've
> taken here:
> http://pastie.textmate.org/1713385
> Any assistance with helping to resolve the issue with PIL or the
> pickle module, or with getting started with fabric would be great.  If
> I could test and build on the work that everyone has started here,
> that would be great.

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