I use vps.net with apache and firebird DB, but when the server was
under higher loads it used to easily jam and require reboot.  I now do

1 node:  Firebird DB server
2 nodes: Apache

It is no longer a 'cheap' set-up, but it is the most reliable we ever
had and I can effectively run as many domains as I want.  It seems
very robust indeed.

I tried the various control panels, but they always cost me more time
than simply logging in and doing things manually. The point is that
when your backups and cron scripts are working ok,  the server
requires hardly any management at all.

For me,  root access is much easier from a server management point of
view,  but make sure you have a full strength password and always
change sshd from port 22!  Of course if you need high-security,  you
should not use root - there are just too many bots out there!

On May 17, 11:54 pm, Carlos <carlosgali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In order to prepare my web2py production system, I would really welcome all
> your advice.
> I will get one node from vps.net:
>    http://vps.net/product/cloud-servers
>    dedicated cpu = 0.6 GHz
>    dedicated ram = 376 MB
>    disk space = 10 GB
>    network transfer = 250 GB
> I am planning to install the following software:
>    os = ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) x64 basic installation
>    web = apache2
>    db = postgresql
>    sh =http://web2py.googlecode.com/hg/scripts/setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh
> Is the above the recommended configuration (based on my one node capacity @
> vps.net)?.
> I've read that nginx web server is really good, should I reconsider this?,
> instead or in addition to apache?.
> Would you recommend a different configuration if I eventually add more
> nodes/capacity?.
> Any other software?, e.g. web server control panels?.
>    - isp manager
>    - webmin
>    - virtualmin
>    - landscape
> Thanks in advance for all your recommendations.
> p.s. my experience has been mostly with Windows.
>    Carlos

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