On Jul 23, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Ross Peoples wrote:

> I had given that some thought, but went with '.mobile.html' for clarity. I 
> suppose I could make it just '.m.html', but that might be hard to see in a 
> list of files. I could have just made it '.mobile', or something, but then 
> code editors won't pick up on it. It's actually kind of annoying manually 
> telling code editors which syntax highlighting to use all the time. If you 
> use '.load' extensions a lot, then you know what I'm talking about.

I agree that .html is desirable. 

.m.html would be an improvement; people are (to some extent) already trained to 
know what that means because of how some sites (Google comes to mind) use 'm' 
as a mobile subdomain: m.google.com.

But what I'm asking is how the name gets used, and whether it couldn't be a 
flag in the session (say) or something else less visible.

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