Still can't figure it out, I think I doing something wrong with GAE
but I can't figure out what it is, I've tried searching for it but
can't find any solutions.

I've got to the point where it uploads a blank app that seems to just
display 'Hello world' on the front page and nothing else (which is not
my app)

On Aug 26, 2:07 pm, Jarrod Cugley <> wrote:
> Oh I didn't know GAE had logs too whoops.
> It gives me the warning:
> File referenced by handler not found:
> Any idea what that means?
> On Aug 26, 1:58 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> wrote:
> > Check the GAE logs on the dashboard.
> > On Aug 25, 10:32 pm, Jarrod Cugley <> wrote:
> > > So I've created a basic website that works on the web2py server, so I
> > > wanted to test it on the GAE, these are my steps so far:
> > > 1. read:
> > > 2. copied the app.example.yaml into my app.yaml and changed the id to
> > > the same id I used to create my app on GAE
> > > 3. Added the existing folder directory to GAE launcher
> > > 4. Run it, and it spits this out in the log:
> > > *** Running dev_appserver with the following flags:
> > >     --admin_console_server= --port=8080
> > > Python command: /usr/bin/python2.6
> > > Warning: You are using a Python runtime (2.6) that is more recent than
> > > the production runtime environment (2.5). Your application may use
> > > features that are not available in the production environment and may
> > > not work correctly when deployed to production.
> > > WARNING  2011-08-26 03:22:33,391] Could not
> > > read datastore data from /var/folders/t3/
> > > yh6qg8x93q989_mdzgh9frd80000gn/T/dev_appserver.datastore
> > > INFO     2011-08-26 03:22:33,392] Connecting to
> > > SQLite database '' with file '/var/folders/t3/
> > > yh6qg8x93q989_mdzgh9frd80000gn/T/dev_appserver.rdbms'
> > > WARNING  2011-08-26 03:22:33,396] Could not
> > > initialize images API; you are likely missing the Python "PIL" module.
> > > ImportError: No module named _imaging
> > > INFO     2011-08-26 03:22:33,405]
> > > Running application selfemployedlist on port 8080:http://localhost:8080
> > > 5. clicked the browse button in GAE launcher and it spits back 
> > > this:
> > > 6. deploy it to GAE and it prints this in the GAE launcher log:
> > > INFO     2011-08-26 03:24:12,743] Server
> > > interrupted by user, terminating
> > > *** Running with the following flags:
> > >     --no_cookies --passin update
> > > Application: selfemployedlist; version: 1
> > > Host:
> > > Starting update of app: selfemployedlist, version: 1
> > > Scanning files on local disk.
> > > Cloning 30 static files.
> > > Cloning 135 application files.
> > > Cloned 100 files.
> > > Uploading 18 files and blobs.
> > > Uploaded 18 files and blobs
> > > Compilation starting.
> > > Compilation completed.
> > > Starting deployment.
> > > Checking if deployment succeeded.
> > > Will check again in 1 seconds.
> > > Checking if deployment succeeded.
> > > Will check again in 2 seconds.
> > > Checking if deployment succeeded.
> > > Will check again in 4 seconds.
> > > Checking if deployment succeeded.
> > > Deployment successful.
> > > Checking if updated app version is serving.
> > > Completed update of app: selfemployedlist, version: 1
> > > Password for If deploy fails you might need to
> > > 'rollback' manually.
> > > The "Make Symlinks..." menu option can help with command-line work.
> > > *** has finished with exit code 0 ***
> > > 7. Then view the version I just uploaded on GAE and it shows me this
> > > in the browser:
> > > Error: Server Error
> > > The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
> > > If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this
> > > error message and the query that caused it.

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